I am an Environmental Graphic Designer (EGD) based in Hakodate, Japan.
I am Brazilian by birth and Japanese by descent. Growing up in São Paulo and Chiba, and living in California for 17 years, I learned how to adapt and be comfortable between different cultures. I love to travel, design, and make and collect things.
Oi! O meu nome é Karen. Sou freelancer designer baseada em Hakodate, Japão. Sou formada em Desenho Industrial mas atuo na área de sinalização ambiental atendendo vários clientes na região do Vale do Silício. Adoro viajar, conhecer novos lugares e novas culturas e, principalmente, construir “algo” com as minhas próprias mãos.
Priority Architectural Graphics (Remote)
Environmental Graphic Design Freelancer
(May 2023–Present)
AP+I Design
Environmental Graphic Designer
(Apr 2018–Dec 2022)
As a member of the Environmental Graphic Design team at an interior architectural design firm specializing in corporate office environments for innovative Silicon Valley clients, I helped my team to create spaces that convey our clients’ brand and company culture. While working closely with interior designers and architects my scope of work included exterior and interior signs, wayfinding, 2-D and 3-D focals, and environmental guidelines.
VKK Signmakers
Environmental Graphic Designer & Production Artist
(Jan 2015–Mar 2018)
Designed and generated drawings for manufacturing, installation, design review, permit application processing, and production artwork for various clients around the San Francisco Bay Area. Clients ranged from medical, educational, civic, retail, residential, corporate, and hospitality industries. Projects involved branding, interior and exterior signs, space planning, wayfinding design and code-related signs. Assisted in managing relationships with vendors and manufacturers, and ensured the ordering and organization of materials and samples. Oversaw data collection and documentation for on-site surveys and installations.
A.Bottini Enterprises
Industrial Design Contractor
(Sep 2013–Oct 2014)
Simpler Products
Industrial Design Freelancer
(Jul 2013–Aug 2013)
Wagic, Inc
Industrial Design Intern
(Jul 2011–Aug 2011)
– Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
– CAD Tools
– WordPress
– Solidworks
– Keyshot
Design and Fabrication:
– Sketching
– Technical drawing
– Computer rendering
– Wood working
– Model making and prototyping
– Sewing
Other Skills:
– Understanding of architectural scales and drawings
– Knowledgeable about ADA & CBC sign compliance
– Thorough understanding of project process, from programming to implementation
– Ability to collaborate and coordinate directly with a multi-disciplinary team (client, designers, architects, general contractors, fabricators and vendors)
– Understanding the possibilities and limitations of sign design while maintaining the project aesthetic
– Detail oriented, fast, motivated learner
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design
San Jose State University, 2013
– English
– Japanese
– Brazilian Portuguese
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